ACE Functions

ACE provides functions that compare the data from one object to the data on other object, and optionally repairs the differences it finds. ACE functions include:

ACE table-diffCompare two tables to identify differences
ACE repset-diffCompare two replication sets to identify differences
ACE schema-diffCompare two schemas to identify differences
ACE spock-diffCompare two sets of spock meta-data to identify differences
ACE table-repairRepair data inconsistencies identified by the table-diff module.
ACE table-rerunRerun a diff to confirm that a fix has been correctly applied

ACE table-diff

Use the table-diff command to compare the tables in a cluster and produce a csv or json report showing any differences.

The syntax is:

$ ./pgedge ace table-diff cluster_name schema.table_name

  • cluster_name is the name of the pgEdge cluster in which the table resides.
  • schema.table_name is the schema-qualified name of the table that you are comparing across cluster nodes.

Optional Arguments

Include the following optional arguments to customize ACE table-diff behavior:

  • --dbname is a string value that specifies the database name (defaults to first database in cluster config).
  • --block-rows is an integer value that specifies the number of rows to process per block.
    • Min: 1000
    • Max: 100000
    • Default: 10000
    • Higher values improve performance but increase memory usage
    • This is a configurable parameter in
  • --max-cpu-ratio is a float value that specifies the maximum CPU utilisation; the accepted range is 0.0-1.0. The default is 0.6.
    • Configurable in
  • --batch-size is an integer value that specifies the number of blocks to process per multiprocessing worker (default: 1)
    • The higher the number, the lower the parallelism
    • Configurable in
  • --output specifies the output type;choose from json or csv when including the --output parameter to select the output type for a difference report. By default, the report written to diffs/<YYYY-MM-DD>/diffs_<HHMMSSmmmm>.json. If the output mode is CSV, then ACE will generate coloured diff files to highlight differences.
  • --nodes specifies a comma-delimited subset of nodes on which the command will be executed. ACE allows up to a three-way node comparison. Simultaneously comparing more than three nodes at once is not recommended.
  • --quiet suppresses messages about sanity checks and the progress bar in stdout. If ACE encounters no differences, ACE will exit without messages. Otherwise, it will print the differences to JSON in stdout (without writing to a file).
  • --table-filter is a SQL WHERE clause that allows you to filter rows for comparison.

ACE table-diff Command Examples

The following command compares a table across all nodes:

./pgedge ace table-diff my_cluster public.customers

The following command compares specific nodes with a custom block size:

./pgedge ace table-diff my_cluster public.orders --nodes="node1,node2" --block-rows=50000

The following command generates an HTML report with filtered data:

./pgedge ace table-diff my_cluster public.transactions \
  --output=html \
  --table-filter="created_at > '2024-01-01'"

ACE repset-diff

Use the repset-diff command to loop through the tables in a replication set and produce a csv or json report showing any differences. The syntax is:

$ ./pgedge ace repset-diff cluster_name repset_name

  • cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which the replication set is a member.
  • repset_name is the name of the replication set in which the tables being compared reside.
  • --max_cpu_ratio specifies the percentage of CPU power you are allotting for use by ACE. A value of 1 instructs the server to use all available CPUs, while .5 means use half of the available CPUs. The default is .6 (or 60% of the CPUs).
  • --block_rows specifies the number of tuples to be used at a time during table comparisons. If block_rows is set to 1000, then a thousand tuples are compared per job across tables.
  • --output specifies the output type;choose from json or csv when including the --output parameter to select the output type for a difference report. By default, the report written to diffs/<YYYY-MM-DD>/diffs_<HHMMSSmmmm>.json.
  • --nodes specifies a comma-delimited list of nodes on which the command will be executed.

ACE schema-diff

Use the schema-diff command to compare the schemas in a cluster and produce a csv or json report showing any differences. The syntax is:

$ ./pgedge ace schema-diff cluster_name node_one node_two schema_name --output=json|csv

  • cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which the table resides.
  • node_one is the name of the node on which the schema you are comparing resides; you will be comparing the schema to the same schema on node_two.
  • schema_name is the name of the schema you will be comparing.
  • output specifies the output type;choose from json or csv when including the --output parameter to select the output type for a difference report. By default, the report written to diffs/<YYYY-MM-DD>/diffs_<HHMMSSmmmm>.json.

ACE spock-diff

Use the spock-diff command to compare the meta-data on two cluster nodes, and produce a csv or json report showing any differences. The syntax is:

$ ./pgedge ace spock-diff cluster_name node_one node_two --output=json|csv

  • cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which the table resides.
  • node_one is the name of the node you will be comparing to node_two.
  • output specifies the output type;choose from json or csv when including the --output parameter to select the output type for a difference report. By default, the report written to diffs/<YYYY-MM-DD>/diffs_<HHMMSSmmmm>.json.

ACE table-repair

The ACE table-repair function fixes data inconsistencies identified by the table-diff module. ACE table-repair uses a specified node as the source of truth to correct data on other nodes. The function has a number of safety and audit features that you should consider before invoking the command:

  • Dry Run Mode: Test repairs without making changes
  • Report Generation: Detailed repair audit trail of all changes made
  • Upsert-Only Option: Prevent data deletion
  • Transaction Safety: All changes are atomic. If, for some reason your repair fails midway, the entire transaction will be rolled back, and no changes will be made to the database.

Please note that:

  1. Table-repair is meant to be used to repair differences that arise from spock exceptions, network partitions, temporary node outages, etc. If the 'blast radius' of the failure event is too large -- say, millions of records across several tables, even though table-repair can handle this, we recommend that instead you do a dump and restore using PostgreSQL tooling.
  2. Table-repair can only repair rows found in the diff file. If your diff exceeds MAX_ALLOWED_DIFFS, table-repair will only be able to partially repair the table. This may even be desirable if you want to repair the table in batches; perform a diff->repair->diff->repair cycle until no more differences are reported.
  3. Invoke ACE table-repair with --dry-run first to review proposed changes.
  4. Use --upsert-only or --insert-only for critical tables where data deletion may be risky.
  5. Verify your table structure and constraints before repair.

The command syntax is:

./pgedge ace table-repair <cluster_name> <schema.table_name> --diff-file=<diff_file> --source-of-truth=<source_of_truth> [options]
  • cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which the table resides.
  • diff_file is the path and name of the file that contains the table differences.
  • schema.table_name is the schema-qualified name of the table that you are comparing across cluster nodes.

Optional Arguments

  • --dry_run - Include this option to perform a test application of the differences between the source_of_truth and the other nodes in the cluster. The default is false.
  • --upsert_only (or -u) - Set this option to true to specify that ACE should make only additions to the non-source of truth nodes, skipping any DELETE statements that may be needed to make the data match. This option does not guarantee that nodes will match when the command completes, but can be usful if you want to merge the contents of different nodes. The default value is false.
  • --generate_report (or -g) - Set this option to true to generate a .json report of the actions performed;
    Reports are written to files identified by a timestamp in the format: reports/<YYYY-MM-DD>/report_<HHMMSSmmmm>.json. The default is false.
  • --source-of-truth is a string value specifying the node name to use as the source of truth for repairs. Note: if you are not using the --bidirectional option or the --fix-nulls option, you must specify the source of truth node for all other kinds of repairs.
  • --dbname is a string value that specifies the database name (defaults to first database in cluster config).
  • --dry-run is a boolean value that simulates repair operations without making changes (default: false).
  • --quiet is a boolean value that suppresses non-essential output.
  • --generate-report is a boolean value that instructs the server to create a detailed report of repair operations.
  • --upsert-only is a boolean value that instructs the server to only perform inserts/updates, and skip deletions.
  • --insert-only is a boolean value that instructs the server to only perform inserts, and skip updates and deletions. Note: This option uses INSERT INTO ... ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING. So, if there are identical rows with different values, this option alone is not enough to fully repair the table.
  • --bidirectional is a boolean value that must be used with --insert-only. Similar to --insert-only, but inserts missing rows in a bidirectional manner. For example, if you specify --bidirectional for a repair in a case where node A has records with IDs 1, 2, 3 and node B has records with IDs 2, 3, 4, the repair will ensure that both node A and node B have records with IDs 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • --fix-nulls is a boolean value that instructs the server to fix NULL values by comparing values across nodes. For example, if you have an issue where a column is not being replicated, you can use this option to fix the NULL values on the target nodes. This does not need a source of truth node as it consults the diff file to determine which rows have NULL values. However, it should be used for this special case only, and should not be used for other types of data inconsistencies.

ACE table-repair Command Examples

The following command performs a basic repair using a diff file:

./pgedge ace table-repair my_cluster /path/to/diff.json primary public.customers

The following command performs a dry run and generates a report:

./pgedge ace table-repair my_cluster /path/to/diff.json primary public.orders \
  --dry-run=True \

The following command repairs update statements only:

./pgedge ace table-repair my_cluster public.transactions \
  --diff-file=/path/to/diff.json \
  --source-of-truth=primary \

The following command performs a unidirectional insert-only repair. If you had a situation where node 2 is missing some records from node 1, you can use the --insert-only option to insert the missing records from node 1 to node 2.

./pgedge ace table-repair my_cluster public.transactions \
  --diff-file=/path/to/diff.json \
  --source-of-truth=primary \

The following command performs a bidirectional insert-only repair. If you have a network partition between node 1 and node 2, and they each separately received new records, you can use the --bidirectional option to insert the missing records from node 1 to node 2 and vice versa.

./pgedge ace table-repair my_cluster public.transactions \
  --diff-file=/path/to/diff.json \
  --source-of-truth=primary \

ACE table-repair Report Example

  "time_stamp": "08/07/2024, 13:20:19",
  "arguments": {
    "cluster_name": "demo",
    "diff_file": "diffs/2024-08-07/diffs_131919688.json",
    "source_of_truth": "n1",
    "table_name": "public.acctg_diff_data",
    "dbname": null,
    "dry_run": false,
    "quiet": false,
    "upsert_only": false,
    "generate_report": true
  "database": "lcdb",
  "changes": {
    "n2": {
      "upserted_rows": [],
      "deleted_rows": [],
      "missing_rows": [
          "employeeid": 1,
          "employeename": "Carol",
          "employeemail": ""
          "employeeid": 2,
          "employeename": "Bob",
          "employeemail": ""
  "run_time": 0.1

Within the report:

  • time_stamp displays when the function was called.
  • arguments lists the syntax used when performing the repair.
  • database identifies the database the function connected to.
  • runtime tells you how many seconds the function took to complete.

The changes property details the differences found by ACE on each node of your cluster. The changes are identified by node name (for example, n2) and by type:

  • The upserted_rows section lists the rows upserted. Note that if you have specified UPSERT only, the report will include those rows in the missing_rows section.
  • The deleted_rows section lists the rows deleted on the node.
  • The missing_rows section lists the rows that were missing from the node. You will need to manually add any missing rows to your node.

ACE table-rerun

The table-rerun function allows you to rerun a previous table-diff operation to verify fixes or check if inconsistencies persist after repairs. When using ACE table-rerun, you should:

  • Include the hostdb processing option for very large tables and diffs to improve performance.
  • Compare results using the original diff file to confirm that differences were resolved after a replication lag window.

The syntax is:

$ ./pgedge ace table-rerun <cluster_name> schema.table_name --diff_file=/path/to/diff_file.json

  • cluster_name is a string value that specifies the name of the cluster as defined in your configuration.
  • schema.table_name is a string value that specifies the fully qualified table name (e.g., "public.users")'.
  • diff_file is a string value that specifies the path to the JSON diff file from a previous table-diff operation.

Optional Arguments

  • --dbname is a string value that specifies the database name; this defaults to the first database in the cluster config file.
  • --quiet is a boolean value that suppresses non-essential output.
  • --behavioris a string value that specifies the processing behavior [multiprocessing or hostdb]; the default is multiprocessing. multiprocessing uses parallel processing for faster execution while hostdb uses the host database to create temporary tables for faster comparisons (useful for very large tables and diffs).

ACE table-rerun Command Examples

To perform a basic rerun of a previous diff:

./pgedge ace table-rerun my_cluster public.customers \

To rerun larger diff files using temporary tables:

./pgedge ace table-rerun my_cluster public.orders \
  --diff-file=/path/to/diff.json \